Can one person Make A Difference ?
29th April,2022
History clearly shows that one person can make a difference in the world. One single individual can have a significant impact through extraordinary actions. One single individual has the power to change and inspire people around in his/her community.
Living it and experiencing it. With lot of excitement I had shared that I will be running 11k in Ladakh on 30th April. Best of the plans fail. I couldn’t acclimatize well and had to return after 3 days of nightmarish ordeal with severe headache, low oxygen saturation and high BP.
Instead of crying and asking God Why me? I decided to turn around the tables and make best use of the opportunity presented by God. I decided to be that 1 person who will encourage other runners, who will infuse others with energy and keep the group fun and lively.
After all the task ahead was not an easy one. The brave bunch had prepared and toiled hard to come to the start line braving fear, pain and other demons. Running in tough terrain like Ladakh is insane.
So heartening to see that despite my own disappointment, I could make difference in my running comrades and keep them on high. My doodling skills were put to good use đ Time and again my doodles kept the group fun and lively.
Sometimes its very difficult for us to understand that 1 person that is us can make such a huge difference in lifting people up.
Remember, Altruism is contagious and if you are figuring out like me, as to how you can make a difference, take it one day at a time. You may not always get to see how you are impacting the people and the environment you are serving, but everything you do to promote change will add up over time.
If every person committed to just one act of kindness a day, think how much better our world would become.
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