Grab the Power to Outshine

A Letter from Future Self

A Letter from Future Self

Hey, you, it’s me, your future self. I am sending you this mailer a few decades from the future. I am doing great and that’s thanks to all your prudent and long-term investments. Your persistence in continuing with your SIPs despite volatile stock market paid off in the log run. You proved investing and creating wealth is a marathon, not a sprint. Sometimes, we need to forego the need for instant gratification.

The world in the future has completely changed. Lots of advancements have happened in many fields, beyond your wildest imagination. Innovation has truly taken the future by storm! The future is always bright, provided we are hopeful and prepared for it in advance.

I have one regret though. I had the opportunity to buy personal health cover separate from the one provided by my employer but didn’t avail of it. Also, my adviser asked me to start a dedicated SIP to create inflation adjusted health corpus to take care of additional costs related to medical contingencies which the medical cover cannot take care of. Now when I am retiring, I am finding it difficult to buy health insurance because of multiple issues.

I wish I could go back in time and change that. But I can’t. But what I can do is hope that you would buy a health cover separate from what your employer is providing and start a dedicated SIP it so that life’s curve balls don’t throw you out of course.

Thanks in advance.

(Writing to Future self exercise is a simple and positive way to become your best self, an indispensable psychological tool)


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